
I Have a New Skill! (& Two New Addictions...)

 A couple of days ago, I watched this video tutorial on how to make animated GIFs. There were some photos from late June I had wanted to make into a GIF from pretty much the moment I went through them, and now I finally learned how!

The two I have made are fairly small, but I guess I'll put together some bigger ones soon. Here they are: one of Jussi making funny faces at the camera (which is the one I procrastinated on), and one of me standing on some rocks, looking at the sunset.


I also have two new addictions, the first one being Robot Unicorn Attack, a brilliant game which is occupying an unhealthy amount of my leisure time. The second one is watching videos by Hank and John Green on their vlogbrothers channel. It has, in fact, led me to neglecting Pewds. The horror! I can't help it; they're just too funny.

No but seriously. I need to do uni stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to be at least a little bit productive in the midst of all this shiny distraction.

Speaking of shiny...

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