I love my boy. I really do. But when the possibility of us moving in together is brought up, doubts begin rearing their heads. And since his mother (as he told me) oh-so-subtly breached the topic and he mentioned this to me, the subject has now moved to a status where it has been acknowledged, prodded at, but temporarily left alone.We're going to have to get back to it at some point. But I hope I won't have to decide any time soon. And, of course, it's not only up to me.Nerr.Still procrastinating, by the way. I'm supposed to be writing that article I mentioned earlier - which I ended up only starting this morning anyhow - but instead I'm sat here in the computer hall updating my blog. Sigh. I'll get to it soon enough, i.e. as soon as I've posted this.Pello was nice. I met a few relatives and some friends of his, ate cake and tried a DSLR. It was quite lovely. The parentals might bring the camera with them this Friday if they decide to give it for Jussi to use full-time. Crossing my fingers here. Of course I'll be made to feel completely inferior on a regular basis because he's so much better at all this photography stuff than I am, from a technical point of view anyhow, but still. I might actually be able to learn something.
Right. Now to write something about the development of the English language.
It's currently -30 degrees Celsius in Oulu and various other parts of Finland. The nation is freezing its arse off, and I'm wheezing from a ten-minute walk to the uni. It's oh so very lovely. Well, at least the weather has been as clear as it has been cold these past few days, so I've had some splendid photography opportunities. Not that I'm quite insane enough to wield the camera while outside. Nay, I did some snapping through windows this morning. Turned out fairly well - although thanks in part to Jussi who fiddled with the settings. I still quite haven't got the handle of that. Anyhow, photos... are after the rest of this post! Ha!I have yet to start that term paper for DevLit. I should do that sometime this week. The file exists on my USB stick but other than that... I seem to be stuck on Moll Flanders. I can't start working on whatever it is that I need to work on before I've finished that bloody thing, even though it's already been dealt with. What a time to develop strange neuroses.Well, I do intend to begin writing this article that I need to write for the popularisation of science course I'm on, because the deadline for that is on Monday. There's no time of day set for it, so theoretically I could work on it all day then... but that never really works out. Better to at least get it started.This continuing procrastination trend of course doesn't help with the mood rollercoaster I seem to have hopped on once again. My emotions have been all over the place this past week. It's almost enough to give me mental whiplash. Stress'll do that to you I suppose. I could gripe about the disappointment I had with an event I organised for Verba, but that would only serve to put me in a foul mood again and I'd rather not have that. Let's just say that it caused me great vexation and move on.Half past midnight. Hmm. Perhaps I should really prepare for bed. Must update the Daily Poem on Elftown first, but then I can go off to La-La Land.Ooh, yay! We'll have these same sort of temperatures for the rest of the week! Joy! I'm going off to a small town called Pello this coming weekend to visit Jussi's folks with him, but since it's two hours northward from Oulu, conditions won't improve much. And from what I've understood it gets boring rather quickly there. Ah, well. Books. Books are the answer to my life's problems. They also often are the problem but let's not be too picky on the details.Frost is pretty.

I have finally managed to get my room looking almost presentable!Alright, I haven't. Not quite yet. But I'm getting there. Just need to figure out where to put some things and, more importantly, hoover. This place really needs it, too. There are tufts of hair and dust floating around. The floor is pretty much filthy; I haven't cleaned in months.It'll be a relief to finally have the room straightened out again.In other news, my left cheek is a balloon. They took out a wisdom tooth. I'm now two out and apparently don't need to worry about the remaining two for the time being - which is good because this is really uncomfortable. I even took a photo yesterday. Can't be arsed to upload it right now, though. I might edit it in later. I'd find my face comical if it, y'know, didn't hurt.Thank science for antibiotics and painkillers. ♥And this must've been my most pointless blog entry in a while. I confess that my reason (or part of it) for posting today was that I wanted to be able to add it to this media diary thingamabob I'm supposed to be doing for Multimodal Discourse. I should probably get that done before Sunday. Its deadline is then, but so is my boyfriend's birthday. I don't want to have to worry about uni work.
Hmm. Time for bed. Lecture at 10 in the morning and I feel like I'm going to pass out on the keyboard soon. Toodles.
Oh! Also, I got a 4 from American Literature. This makes me happy, because I was expecting a 3 at most. Maybe the next essay will be worth a 5. I know I'm capable of it; I just need to focus a bit more and use my time more efficiently. *snort* I wish. :P