I love my boy. I really do. But when the possibility of us moving in together is brought up, doubts begin rearing their heads. And since his mother (as he told me) oh-so-subtly breached the topic and he mentioned this to me, the subject has now moved to a status where it has been acknowledged, prodded at, but temporarily left alone.
We're going to have to get back to it at some point. But I hope I won't have to decide any time soon. And, of course, it's not only up to me.
Still procrastinating, by the way. I'm supposed to be writing that article I mentioned earlier - which I ended up only starting this morning anyhow - but instead I'm sat here in the computer hall updating my blog. Sigh. I'll get to it soon enough, i.e. as soon as I've posted this.
Pello was nice. I met a few relatives and some friends of his, ate cake and tried a DSLR. It was quite lovely. The parentals might bring the camera with them this Friday if they decide to give it for Jussi to use full-time. Crossing my fingers here. Of course I'll be made to feel completely inferior on a regular basis because he's so much better at all this photography stuff than I am, from a technical point of view anyhow, but still. I might actually be able to learn something.

Right. Now to write something about the development of the English language.
I tend to think that the natural time to move together is at the point when one of the two is practically living at the other's place already. Before that it feels a bit iffy.
ReplyDeleteMm. At the moment I seem to divide my time roughly as follows: 1/3 at my flat, 1/3 at the uni, 1/3 at his place.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't sound too bad. But yeah, give it time. No need to push before it feels natural. Besides, it's not like every couple would have to move together.
ReplyDelete(Not that I'd have ever moved together with anyone, so I may be completely wrong on everything that I say. :D)