
Waiting for the Spring


That one-update-per-week policy has definitely been broken now. It's just that life keeps happening and whenever I would have the time, I don't seem to have the inclination. Go figure.

Anyhow, the temperatures outside are slowly climbing up and the snow is beginning to turn to slosh. While slosh is never fun, this whole phenomenon means that spring might actually be here by April. I hope it will be; I'm in spring mode. Birds and the sun tend to have that effect on me, and while I love all seasons, I'm about done with winter for now. The snow's disappearance would also make exercising easier. I'm attempting to start a better life again...

Hmm. I should probably start paying full attention. At a Verba board meeting. I'll write a better update one of these days. Next week, maybe.

Peace, out.

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